I'm proud of them. Defied even my skepticism. You've got to put a team away when you have the chance, and they didn't do it. I've got to think this is invaluable experience for our younger core (Hank, Flip, Franzen, etc.). Unless the team could somehow sign Giguere or something I don't know how you don't want Hasek back. He was unbelievable from what I saw. A lot of people were ragging on him for his Game 6 performance but they wouldn't even have been there if it wasn't for him. I'd also like to give Bert another shot; you can't vilify a guy forever and this is probably as good of a chance as he'll get to turn his career / life around. Oh, and happy trails to Bobby Lang.
So now I get to follow the Pistons and Tigers closely. A good consolation gift, yes, but still a consolation gift.
Things are good in PP. Moved into our new apartment. We're on the first floor of a villa which has a large patio, garden, basketball net, etc. I have my own room. We have a large living room, dining room, kitchen. Honestly, it would be a nice place in the states, although it is a little bit dirty.
Had my first pizza in Cambodia yesterday. Nike Pizza shop. I had to laugh at the attempt to woo westerners. Went to the DVD shop after that; I can get American DVD's for $1.80 a piece. Probably going to pick up Little Miss Sunshine, Children of Men and a season or two of House.
I love taking the motos around town -- so much fun. I've got to get a motorcycle. How cool.
As you can tell being in PP is getting to be a bit routine. Hope all is well at home.
- m
Hasek is incredible but he wasn't playing his best that night. For sure get those movies and I can't believe you're driving a motorcycle, haha, that's so cool. Be careful!!
I just got Children of Men, it's an excellent movie.
yeah motorcycles are lots of fun!
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