Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tuesday stuff

Been a few days since I've added anything. Hopefully your worlds kept turning.

The weekend was good. I had my first Indian food (ever) and my first Vietnamese food (ever). I had my first Cambodian beer (ever) on a pontoon boat anchored in the Tonle Sap river while I listened to Gnarls Barkley (not by choice). They tell foreigners to stay away from Angkor (pronounced ann-chore for some reason), the main brew in town, because it contains formaldehyde. I think I'm still functioning. Will -- I'll bring you home a case, I know you love the crazy stuff.

It's been raining a lot. Consequently this weekend I watched a bunch of House and Scrubs. Scrubs is just okay.

Mmmm. Stomach's been all over the place. Don't want to talk about it. I'm probably just going to stop at the pizza place on the way home and get something that will form a brick in my stomach (pizza).

Work picked up a bit. I'm going to deliver gifts at the prison this Friday. They were going to send me 4 hours away to attend a conference in Keph (seaside village, supposedly beautiful) but I've got prison duty. Niiiiccceee.

Time is actually flying by. I only have 1.5 months left. Yikes.

Go Pistons.
- m


Anonymous said...

Good morning Mike..I thought I should comment so you don't feel compelled to return to a feces report to solicit comments. I'm heading out of town for a few days, so I'll catch up on your blog when I return. Later.

Anonymous said...

what's up slick. did you hear people got hurt on the magnum. look it up. i hurt someone with a magnum once but that's a different story.

"If I didn't have a live dove in my pants right now, I'd leap across the table and..."

- gob

Anonymous said...

greetings from Berlin,

hope your having fun in cambodia, sounds like your bowels are doing better than expected. I havent had any major problems yet..., but ill be sure to let you know when I do
